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Present Simple Forms of To Be

Grammar » Level A1 » Present Simple Forms of To Be

Test Instructions

Choose the correct present simple forms of "to be" for the gaps below.

Please answer all questions to complete this test. Good luck!

Question 1
1 / 5
A: you a teacher? B: Yes, I .

How to Approach This Grammar Test

The verb "to be" has different forms depending on the subject: am, is, are. In questions and negatives, the word order changes.

Tips and Strategies

[{"tip":"Remember that \"I\" uses \"am\", singular subjects use \"is\", and plural subjects use \"are\"."},{"tip":"In questions, the verb comes before the subject: \"Are you...?\", \"Is she...?\", \"Am I...?\""},{"tip":"For negative forms, add \"not\" after the verb: \"is not\" (isn't), \"are not\" (aren't), \"am not\""}]

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